闽台(GMT)致新AT1316A AT1316A-02TP1U高效恒流20V白光LED驱动器 The AT1316A step-up converter drives white LEDs with a constant current to provide backlight in cell phones, PDAs, and other hand-held devices. It features allowing series connection of the white LEDs so that the LED currents are identical for uniform brightness. An enable input can be pulsed repeatedly to adjust LED’s brightness. The fast 1.0MHz current-mode PWM control allows for smaller capacitor and inductor. Fault condition protection uses cycle-by-cycle current limiting to sense maximum inductor current, thermal protection and over-voltage protection. Also included soft-start eliminates inrush current during start-up. The low reference voltage minimized the power loss across the current-setting resistor. The AT1316A is available in TSOT-23-6 packages. AT1316A-01TP1U TSOT-23-6 AT1316A-02TP1U TSOT-23-6 AT1316A-03TP1U TSOT-23-6 GMT推荐型号: G5520AR41U TQFN3X3-16 AT5520AR41U TQFN3X3-16 G547E1P11U SOP-8 G547E2P11U SOP-8 G547I1P11U SOP-8 G547I2P11U SOP-8 G547I1P81U MSOP-8 G547I2P81U MSOP-8 G547F1P11U SOP-8 G547F2P11U SOP-8 G547G1P11U SOP-8 G547G2P11U SOP-8 G547H1P11U SOP-8 G547H2P11U SOP-8 G547M1P11U SOP-8 G547M2P11U SOP-8 G547E1P81U MSOP-8 G547E2P81U MSOP-8